Welcome to Dumka.ca
My name is Russell Dumka. I am 70 yrs.old and Handicapped, I broke my neck a while ago and I was a quadriplegic for a while. I slowly regained some use of my limbs. My right arm is all but useless, but I can still wright with it. For everything else I have to use my left arm and hand I can walk with a cane but I am
Welcome to Dumka.ca
My name is Russell Dumka. I am 70 yrs.old and Handicapped, I broke my neck a while ago and I was a quadriplegic for a while. I slowly regained some use of my limbs. My right arm is all but useless, but I can still wright with it. For everything else I have to use my left arm and hand I can walk with a cane but I am very tipsy, my balance was affected so I have to be really carefull when I am out walking. I now have to use a walker to get around.
I have two Brothers and two sisters. One older and one younger. Our parents passed away a long time ago.
This site is under construction. I am using a new website builder from GoDaddy . Right now I can't figure out how to change font sizes.
Seek and ye shall find. I just found it but it is really limited.
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